School Social Work
Hanover School Social Workers collaborate with schools and families to support students in finding success. Supports are offered in many different ways such as group work, one-to-one therapeutic interventions, and classroom delivery. School Social Work interventions are individualized and unique to the students and families supported. Some of the support offered looks like;
- Social emotional growth and development
- Mental health interventions, resources, and assessments
- Creating a suicide safer community
- Supporting families in accessing community based resources and supports
- Deliver training and professional development to schools and community
- Liaison with community partners
- Complete assessments for safety and risk to ensure a safe learning environment
How do School Social Workers help?
School Social Workers address many common hurdles that students, families and school communities may face. A common challenge is anxiety and how it impacts success and engagement at school. Anxiety is very similar to stress or worry and these three terms are often used interchangeably.
Anxiety is commonly experienced by many students across grade levels. Anxiety is healthy in appropriate amounts, but some children and young people are experiencing higher levels of anxiety on a daily basis. This can get in the way of them having the most positive school experience possible. Here are some tips and information about how to support healthy management of stress, worry, and anxiety.
What is Worry?
Worries are unpleasant thoughts that you can’t get out of your head. They’re like annoying bugs that keep buzzing around and won’t leave you alone. It’s normal to have worries—everyone has them from time to time. It’s only a problem when your worries get in the way of other parts of your life, or if they make you unhappy. What do you worry about?
The link below has a downloadable worksheet that may help you work through your worry.
Coping with Stress
Although we may not be able to avoid stressful situations entirely, there are tools that can be used to help make the situation feel more manageable. Stress is a normal part of life, though at times it can feel strong and difficult to cope with. Having some ideas and strategies to cope with stress when it feels too intense is important.
Click on the link below for a document on stress management tips
Understanding the Cycle of Anxiety
It is important to understand how anxiety works, and why it can be so hard to manage. Anxiety craves certainty and creates inflexible thinking. The goal in challenging our anxiety is to find ways to think more flexibly and learn how to manage the physical symptoms that anxiety can cause. It is when we learn to cope through the distress of anxiety, that growth occurs. Stopping the cycle of anxiety requires actively choosing to step out of the cycle. This can look like facing your fear or finding a moment to brave the unknown.
Click the link below for help with breaking the cycle of anxiety
Here are some additional resources related to anxiety for supporting your students: